July 2021
On the 23rd of July 2021, Innovative Prison Systems launched the 3rd Steering Committee Meeting in a virtual format. The following topics were discussed: project work plans, implementation strategies, timing, roles of each partner in the project and dissemination issues, mainly, the production of a future podcast, as an additional project product. The organisation and implementation of the WP4 Working Group Seminars and Awareness Raising Sessions was discussed in-depth, and strategies to handle pandemic-related restrictions were put forward by the partnership.
February 2021
On the 24th of February 2021, Innovative Prison Systems launched the 2nd Steering Committee Meeting in a virtual format. Project partners discussed the project, its implementation progress and other administrative/financial aspects of PRE-TRIAD. In a second step, project partners discussed deliverable’s progress and upcoming tasks. At the end of the meeting, project partners debated the feasibility of face-to-face events and dissemination activities.
PRE-TRIAD Kick-off Meeting
May 2020
In a virtual format, during the 22nd of May 2020, Bremen Senate of Justice and Constitution launched the Kick-off Meeting of PRE-TRIAD project (Alternative PRE-TRIAl detention measures: Judicial awareness and cooperation towards the realisation of common standards). While the partnership was very much looking forward to the possibility of holding a face-to-face meeting, the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences led the partnership to adapt and opt for the online medium.
Throughout the full-day meeting, the Consortium reviewed the project’s general workplan, and each partner’s main tasks. Substantial attention was paid to designing an efficient roadmap as a guideline for collective efforts, considering the project’s central goals. In sum, the latter encompass the following points:
- Enhanced knowledge of judicial professionals (judges/magistrates) on various national legislations concerning pre-trial detention application;
- Increased awareness of judicial professionals (judges/magistrates) regarding pre-trial detention conditions in European prisons and on the application of pre-trial detention, its alternatives and application according to each context;
- Increased capacity of judicial professionals to effectively apply the Council Framework Decision 2009/829/JHA.
The Kick-off Meeting was marked by the presence of staff members from each partner organisation: Bremen Senate of Justice and Constitution (DE); Innovative Prison Systems (PT); Institute for the Sociology of Law and Criminology (AT); Center for the Study of Democracy (BG); Agenfor International Foundation (IT); European Strategies Consulting (RO).
Throughout the full-day meeting, the Consortium reviewed the project’s general workplan, and each partner’s main tasks. Substantial attention was paid to designing an efficient roadmap as a guideline for collective efforts, considering the project’s central goals. In sum, the latter encompass the following points:
- Enhanced knowledge of judicial professionals (judges/magistrates) on various national legislations concerning pre-trial detention application;
- Increased awareness of judicial professionals (judges/magistrates) regarding pre-trial detention conditions in European prisons and on the application of pre-trial detention, its alternatives and application according to each context;
- Increased capacity of judicial professionals to effectively apply the Council Framework Decision 2009/829/JHA.
The Kick-off Meeting was marked by the presence of staff members from each partner organisation: Bremen Senate of Justice and Constitution (DE); Innovative Prison Systems (PT); Institute for the Sociology of Law and Criminology (AT); Center for the Study of Democracy (BG); Agenfor International Foundation (IT); European Strategies Consulting (RO).