According to the Council of Europe, there are currently 1,229,385 prisoners in the penal institutions of the Member States that comprise the organisation. Of these inmates, more than 22% on average are under pre-trial detention (PTD). PTD should not be overlooked as its overuse negatively affects not only detainees and their fundamental rights, but also their families, communities and even countries’ financial resources. Moreover, the organisational impact of this issue on penitentiary systems should also be addressed. The PRE-TRIAD projects aims to promote judicial cooperation between European Union member States (EUMS), making policymakers and stakeholders aware of the challenges posed by pre-trial detention. In addition, it is imperative to lay the foundations for the establishment of common standards with respect to fundamental rights regarding the practical application of pre-trial detention (and its alternative measures), while promoting the implementation of Council Framework Decision 2009/829/JHA of 23 October 2009.
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