Working Packages
WP1 is intended for all activities related to the general management and coordination of the project, with a specific focus on monitoring the project's progress and deliverable roll-out.
1.1. Develop the project management methodology: So to ensure that the project progresses smoothly and according to plan, the coordinator will compose the project's management methodology, which compiles fundamental guidelines and overarching norms to orient the partners in fulfilling their respective responsibilities.
1.2. Steering Committee meetings: A total of three Steering committee meetings (KoM + 2 SC meetings) will take place. These meetings will be held to share updating and contents about the specific activities to be developed and will be relevant occasions to create a multidisciplinary, international team to drive the project development, ensuring the sharing of competences and skills among partners. 1.3. Administrative & financial management: Administrative and financial management is led by the Project Manager (PM) of the BMoJ in coordination and cooperation with the internal administrator and financial staff and/or contact persons identified by each partner. In particular, the PM prepares a template for management reports and cost statements which is shared with partners and filled in by their contact person as required; these reports form the basis of the management and cost reports to be sent to the EC regularly (biannual, totalling four reports). 1.4. Manage project internal evaluation: Monitoring of the internal evaluation plan will be ongoing with reporting scheduled for every 12 months (twice during the PRE-TRIAD's life course, comprising the mid-term evaluation report and the final evaluation report). Bremen Senate of Justice and Constitution
01-04-2020 to 31-03-2022
A first step of the PRE-TRIAD project consists in developing comprehensive research activities which will later lay the groundwork for the development of the upcoming tasks.
2.1. Literature review: Desk research will enable for a thorough outlook regarding the application of PTD in partner countries, as well as its negative impacts at a threefold level: i) national; ii) organisational; iii) individual.
2.2. Pre-trial detention alternatives – Best practices mapping: Taking into consideration the previously developed work, this activity will focus on compiling best practices regarding the application of PTD alternatives. 2.3. Panel of interviewees set-up: The field research component of the present WP will consist of semi-structured in-depth interviews, which presupposes the establishment of a panel of interviewees. 2.4 Methodological design and planning: In order to maximise the interview's productivity, the Consortium will focus on the methodological planning of the activities, by designing its guidelines and structure. 2.5 Data collection: Interviews will be carried out both with national stakeholders from the partner countries but also from other national contexts. 2.6 Data analysis: The assembled data will then be treated and aggregated into a report. IRKS
01-05-2020 to 28-02-2021
Building on the previously developed work, the PRE-TRIAD Consortium will be able to produce reliable and targeted Recommendations, which will support the awareness-raising efforts of the project.
3.1. Recommendations on PTD national application: The consultation of experts on PTD alternatives, the Consortium will be in a privileged position to producing a set of recommendations aiming at European common standards on the application of PTD and its alternative measures.
3.2. Recommendations on PTD European application: The consultation of experts on PTD alternatives, the Consortium will be in a privileged position to producing a set of recommendations for the European Commission, striving for a better application of Council FD 2009/829. IRKS
01/01/2021 to 31/07/2021
WP4 is centred around awareness-raising efforts, targeting judges and magistrates from different EU Member States on the importance of alternative measures to PTD. In parallel, judicial cooperation and the interchangeability of practices will be fomented, with a special focus on FD 2009/829.
4.1. Development of an evaluation framework & indicators
So to better systematise the impact of PRE-TRIAD's activities on the perspective's and postures of participants, an evaluation framework and specific indicators will be developed. 4.2. Awareness raising sessions The Consortium will implement working group seminars, with a strong awareness raising component, aiming at drawing attention to the deeply seated issues associated with an exaggerated application of pre-trial detention, and highlighting the comparative benefits of alternative measures. 4.3 Working group seminars technical reports Description and analysis of the reported findings generated upon the judicial experts' discussion. 4.4 Evaluation report This report will compile the participants' feedback concerning the implemented activities, as well as the academic and scientific background that supported the development of T4.1. Agenfor International
01/05/2021 to 28/02/2022
The last WP focuses on enhancing the project's visibility, broadening its audience and effectively mainstreaming its results and outcomes by the judicial community.
5.1. Dissemination, mainstreaming and exploitation strategy plan: A thorough and comprehensive strategy will be conceptualised and implemented throughout the project's lifespan in order to optimise PRE-TRIAD's dissemination, mainstreaming and exploitation efforts.
5.2. Dissemination toolkit: PRE-TRIAD's official website and visual identity kit will be produced in order to create and consolidate the project's brand create closer links to PRE-TRIAD's audience. 5.3. Presentation of project results at relevant European conferences: Presentation of the project's scope, goals, outcomes, status and events in various conferences, seminars, symposiums, meetings, and other relevant events attended by the project partners throughout PRE-TRIAD's timeframe. 5.4 National dissemination workshops: The organisation of national dissemination workshops will enable the project's results to effectively reach relevant stakeholders and draw attention to the project's cause. These workshops will take place in all partner countries. 5.5 Dissemination event at EJTN Headquarters: Complementing the dissemination approach at the international level, the dissemination event at the EJTN headquarters further broadens the scope of PRE-TRIAD's dissemination activities, while allowing it to reach out to the EJTN's associated professionals. 5.6 Final European Conference: The project's final Conference will focus on sharing the project's results and achievements to a broader array of stakeholders while engaging them towards the project's objectives and its underlying cause. IPS_Innovative Prison Systems
01/04/2020 to 31/03/2022